Legal information
IMT Partners, a French Société par Actions Simplifiée with a capital of 102,000 euros, registered office at 3 Avenue Bugeaud 75116 Paris.
RCS Paris 794 666 453. TVA FR10 794 666 453.
The purpose of this site is to present the activity of IMT Partners as well as the main characteristics of its products and services.
The site constitutes a work protected under intellectual property. The same applies to the data appearing on the site such as trademarks, logos, graphics, photographs, etc. The information on this site is intended for the strictly personal use of Internet users and may not be reproduced or communicated to third parties, in whole or in part, for commercial or non-commercial purposes. Any reproduction or more generally any unauthorized use of the site and the information disclosed on the site engages the responsibility of the user and may lead to legal proceedings, particularly for counterfeiting.
The information contained on the site is not contractual, it is only indicative.
IMT Partners makes every effort to ensure that the information on this site is accurate and up-to-date, and reserves the right to correct the content at any time without notice. However, IMT Partners cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information made available on this site, including all hyperlinks or any other computer link used directly or indirectly from the site. It therefore warns the visitor that it is up to him or her to verify the information by other means, including by contacting the company.
Consequently, IMT Partners declines all responsibility : for any imprecision, inaccuracy or omission concerning the information available on the site; for any damage resulting from fraudulent intrusion by a third party leading to a modification of the information made available on the site; and more generally for any damage, direct or indirect, whatever the causes, origins, nature or consequences, caused as a result of anyone's access to the site or the impossibility of accessing it, as well as the use of the site and/or credit given to any information coming directly or indirectly from the latter