Our Commitment


At our interim management firm, we consider Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to be a cornerstone of our strategy and actions. We strive to integrate its fundamental principles into our day-to-day work and, wherever possible, into our assignments, in collaboration with our customers and our interim managers.


Our approach to CSR is based on :

  • Our impact on the environment,
  • Our commitment to social responsibility and human rights
  • We support society by pursuing the following sustainable development objectives:
      • Quality education for all,
      • Gender equality,
      • Decent work for sustainable economic growth.


Through concrete actions, we strive to support our customers in their responsible transformation.

Explore our CSR initiatives and our focus on ethics and environmental preservation.



Our environmental approach


Aware of the climate challenges of our time, IMT Partners is committed to limiting its energy consumption and carbon footprint.

The IT sector is notoriously energy-intensive. To limit the effects of this, we extend the life of our IT and telecoms equipment through maintenance and repair contracts, and encourage the purchase of reconditioned computers. We believe that reducing our carbon footprint is everyone's responsibility, which is why we educate and train our teams and transition managers in digital responsibility and best practices.

Mobility is also a major issue in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. IMT Partners has opted for premises located in the city centers of Paris, Lyon, Lille, Nantes and Rennes, to make it easier for customers and all our staff to travel by low-carbon means.

Recycling and waste recovery are important to us. Whenever possible, we favour the purchase of eco-responsible and local office supplies, products and equipment, such as recycled and eco-labelled paper and recyclable vegetable-based ink cartridges.

We sort and recycle used paper, toners and printer cartridges collected and recycled by the inclusive association. Le Chêne workshop.

IMT Partners has eliminated the use of plastic in its offices, reducing the number of "goodies" and other products, in favor of useful everyday objects such as mugs and water bottles. We also use a bean-to-cup coffee machine in partnership with Café Joyeux, which has enabled us to eliminate the use of disposable coffee capsules.



Our actions in favor of social and human rights, health and safety in the workplace


At IMT Partners, the health and safety of our employees is a core concern.

We pay particular attention to the ergonomics of their workstations, their workload and the acoustics of our premises. Sport is encouraged by the provision of a shower room in the offices, and we sponsor sportswear (cycling, polo, soccer).




We also pay close attention to the health and safety of our interim managers and subcontractors. In fact, we include vigilance and health coverage provisions in our contracts. Our interim managers also include a CSR clause in their contracts, to raise their awareness of CSR issues and help them make a positive impact in their assignments.

It is in this spirit that we join ADOM whose aim is to share best practices among its members on all aspects of mutuality and its social impact.

We are also members of the Magellan Circlean inter-company community of practice for International Human Resources Managers.

We also support the integration of people in difficulty or with disabilities through long-term partnerships: for example, we have forged a partnership with Café Joyeuxthe first family of café-restaurants to contribute to the professional inclusion of people with mental and cognitive disabilities", which supplies us with our coffee and coffee machine.

Every year, we take part in the European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities (SEEPH).

We've been experimenting with the week of Joya week-long challenge organized by Café Joyeux for its employees.




For greater parity, diversity and inclusion


At IMT Partners, we are committed to parity, diversity and non-discrimination.

We are a member of the United Nations Global Compactwhich is an international community of companies committed to implementing fundamental United Nations texts on human rights, international labor standards, the environment and anti-corruption, as well as the Agenda 2030, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (UN Global Compact). IMT PARTNERS | UN Global Compact )

We ensure strict equality of treatment and remuneration between men and women.

We are committed to promoting diversity and inclusion for the benefit of both our employees and our interim managers: we value profiles and talents without discrimination or unequal treatment. We are signatories to the Diversity Charter.

We are opposed to all forms of discrimination as defined in article 1132-1 of the French Labor Code with regard to our employees and interim managers.

Violence and harassment of any kind are strictly prohibited. Our CSR Manager is authorized and competent to receive any report that may infringe this prohibition, which is legally sanctionable.


For more information about our CSR policy, please contact us at rse@imt-partners.com