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The interim manager, the company's top-level athlete

The interim manager, the company's top-level athlete


The interim manager is constantly reinventing himself to unite a team around a single goal: the company's success. His or her role is both off and on the job: a captain to unite the team, an athlete ready to take on any challenge, or a coach with many years' experience.


Captain's leadership

Unite around your ideas to move the company forward

Calling on the services of an interim manager is essential for certain companies that are launching a project to develop a new service, diversify their activities or expand internationally.

The interim manager acts as a leader. He achieves his objective by directing the company, carefully selecting the necessary resources and launching operations.

His wide-ranging expertise and fresh perspective, combined with his outsider status, enable him to identify obvious malfunctions and rapidly propose concrete solutions.

As a leader, he or she will encourage and galvanize teams by injecting new energy. This presence will remobilize employees around new common objectives, enabling them to break new ground.

A hinge between the needs of the company and the team

A good captain considers the needs of the team and aligns them with those of the company. He or she must show determination and leadership in explaining the company's strategy to all stakeholders.

the criteria that everyone must meet to successfully complete a transformation project.


Challenge yourself like an athlete

Perform in all circumstances and replace at a moment's notice

Being an interim manager is a daily commitment. It means agreeing to respond to an unforeseen need and taking on an assignment that is not necessarily close to home. He or she can act as the company's firefighter, covering emergencies.

He must be able to play the role of substitute for the duration of a mission. Taking someone else's place isn't always easy: not the same style, not the same environment, not the same way of reading the game, and yet the same goal to achieve.

The interim manager plays a crucial role in corporate transformation. Like a basketball player, he or she acts as a linchpin, stabilizing the organization while guiding it towards new horizons. Their experience enables them to provide innovative, pragmatic solutions to the various challenges and needs facing a company.

Like the basketball player who comes off the bench and plays a quarter, the interim manager's intervention is temporary and decisive, enabling a collective project to be successfully completed, risks to be minimized and new opportunities to be seized.

Take on assignments for companies in difficulty

Being a top-level athlete means knowing how to perform despite apparent difficulties. The interim manager is hired to help companies overcome their difficulties, whether financial, managerial, supply chain or human resources. They must rise to the challenges presented to them with the highest levels of skill and agility.

Even if each interim manager is a specialist in his or her sector, they must constantly adapt and rise to any challenge, being an indispensable operational strike force.


A coach's experience

Leveraging experience to coach new generations

A final trait of the interim manager: learning, keeping up to date and passing on knowledge. One of the missions we are often entrusted with is that of passing on knowledge to younger generations through mentoring. Often in situations of family succession or the identification of high-potential profiles, interim management is an asset in the training of tomorrow's leaders.

These managers will not only have to meet the expectations of their predecessors, they will also have to be innovative if the company is to remain competitive in its sector.

Read situations to apply the best strategy

Study, diagnosis, strategy... each assignment carried out by the interim manager is an opportunity to put to use the vast experience accumulated over the course of his career. Thanks to this vast experience acquired in various sectors, he or she has a holistic vision of the challenges and opportunities facing the company. By identifying internal and external dynamics, he can develop and implement tailor-made strategies that meet the company's specific needs.


Are you an interim manager or does your company need interim management? Contact us here: https: //

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